Friday, December 18, 2020

Christmas Countdown Blitz: Her Secret Agent Fake Fiance by Kimberley Montpetit


When she was in Paris, Kimberley Montpetit spent all of her souvenir money at the La Patisserie shops with their gorgeous and delicious pastries. 

She grew up in the fabulous city of San Francisco, hides a stash of anything chocolate and caramel when she can get away with it, and now lives in a small town along the banks of the Rio Grande with her engineer husband and three sons. 

Can two clashing agents survive gunshots, murderous millionaires, and dangerous covert snooping? Most importantly, will their own hearts betray them in the end?

Our Heroine: Erin Steele, FBI Agent. Alias: Cassandra Fairfax, oil heiress.

Her Partner: Braden Moretti, CIA Special Ops. Alias: Marcus Romero, Erin’s drop-dead gorgeous date with a talent for driving her crazy.

Where: A fancy Christmas party at the mansion of the wealthiest man in San Francisco.

Undercover Assignment: Fake Fabergé jewels selling for ten million bucks. A sting operation to take down the bad guys, of course . . . it’s all in a night’s work. 

Biggest Blunder: An encounter under the mistletoe that goes horribly wrong . . . or perfectly right?

◆ Fall in love with Romantic Suspense that includes intrigue and danger - all wrapped up in a red Christmas bow!

◆ Included in this romance: Agent Erin Steele's special Christmas morning recipe and pictures of a stunning Faberge jewel!

◆ Visit the author at for a free gift.  


Top Ten List:

1. I adore chocolate frosted cinnamon roll donuts

2. Snuggling with my kiddos and a stack of books

3. My Princess Aurora (Sleeping Beauty) blanket that my daughter made me for Christmas

4. I love to belly dancing—and even performed a couple of times! It’s great exercise and so beautiful and earthy.

5. I’m a purple girl! And I’m lucky because my birth stone is amethyst

6. The black & white original TV show, I Love Lucy still makes me laugh—even though I only ever saw it in re-runs, of course!  

7. Since I was five-years-old, my grandpa would give me a heart-shaped box of chocolates on my birthday—which is also Valentine’s Day. When I got married, my husband got instructions from my family to continue the tradition, including baking me a heart-shaped cake with the cake pans my mother gifted to him.

8. Two days after my 11th birthday, I fell off a broken clothes hamper, gashed up my leg, and was rushed to the hospital to get 60 stitches.

9. I rode a camel in the ancient world wonder of Petra, Jordan.

10. I have a wall carving in my house of King Tut and his Queen Ankhesenamen that’s a replica of his actual Pharaoh’s Throne found in his tomb.

Thursday, December 17, 2020

Christmas Countdown Blitz: The Unknown Elf by Karlie Lucas


Karlie Lucas is a school crossing guard by day and a writer/artist by night. 

A graduate of Southern Utah University, Karlie received a B.A. in Creative Writing, with a minor in art. She is a member of Sigma Tau Delta, The International English Honor Society, SCBWI, as well as ANWA, the American Night Writers Association.
Karlie is interested in all things magical and mysterious, especially elves and dragons. She is an avid fan of J.R.R. Tolkien and J.K. Rowling.

When not writing, Karlie can often be found drawing, baking, watching her favorite old school shows, or just spending time with her family.

She currently resides in Dallas, Texas with her husband and a cat named Kally. 

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Marie never expected to wake up in North Pole City, let alone being made Santa’s Emergency Replacement. It was a job she never wanted but couldn’t turn down, thanks to Clarence, Santa’s right hand man. 

Now, Marie has to work with Clarence, who believes she is some kind of criminal who will cause the destruction of everything he holds dear. Trying to prove that he’s wrong, Marie keeps making mistakes that push them even further apart. It doesn’t help that she has a past she’d rather keep hidden. However, trying to keep her past where it should belong isn’t easy.

Just when Marie starts to feel like things are coming together, a madman with a bone to pick, and Christmas to ruin, threatens the whole of the North Pole Organization. Marie must rely on Clarence and her new friends to help her face her past before Christmas is gone forever.  But does she have the courage to truly be herself when it could mean losing everything?


Top Ten List:

1 - I own a ginger tabby named Kally. She's seven years old.
2 - I currently have nine published books, with three more in the works.
3 - I may have been born in Utah but I claim Texas as my home.
4 - My favorite Disney character is Stitch, from Lilo and Stitch. Baymax is a close second/occasional tie.
5 - My favorite movie is Big Hero Six.
6 - The one book I can go back and read over and over again like it was the first time is Pride and Prejudice.
7 - My favorite ice cream flavor is anything cheesecake, though Blue Bell's Decadent Fudge Brown is starting to edge in on the title.
8 - I am turning my YA trilogy into an audio drama.
9 - I originally wrote The Unknown Elf  while in middle school, but edited it and expanded it into its current form a little over half a decade ago.
10 - My first published work was a poem in an anthology.

Friday, December 11, 2020

Christmas Countdown Blitz: Merry and the Gentleman by Donna K. Weaver

Award-winning author, wife, mother, grandmother, Harry Potter geek, Army veteran, karate black belt, and online gamer girl.

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"How do you choose between your heart and your responsibilities?

Merry Hurst, a fierce widow and single mom, is determined to give her young son the life he deserves—including a male role model who will stick around for the long haul. She can't afford to fall for a man who isn't planning to stay in Huckleberry Falls, so she might as well stop dreaming about Carlisle Wyndham. If only it were that easy!

Carlisle Wyndham is determined to develop the avalanche-proof transceiver that could have saved his wife's life. He's glad his daughter has made a new friend, but they’re only staying in Huckleberry Falls long enough to complete the project. When he meets the young boy’s mother, Carlisle’s not prepared for how alive she makes him feel.

But he has pressing responsibilities pulling him back to England while Merry’s require her to stay. Do they dare risk getting involved only to say goodbye?"


Top Ten List:

Ten facts about me:

1. I'm a USA Today best-selling and award-winning author.

2. I'm a wife, mother, and grandmother. One of the toughest things for us during the pandemic is not being able to see grandkids who live far away. We ate plane tickets last March that would have had us in Hawaii visiting our daughter and her family. Thank heavens for online chats.

3. I'm a huge Harry Potter geek--during the heyday between the release of Half Blood Prince and Deathly Hallows, I volunteered as a moderator on The Leaky Cauldron's forum, The Leaky Lounge. I met some wonderful friends around the world and must have read every theory about what would happen in the final book.

4. I'm a US Navy brat and have lived in both Korea and the Philippines as well as visited Guam, Japan, and Hong Kong.

5. I'm a US Army veteran, and I served in Germany, back when there were two of them.

6. I'm a karate black belt. My younger sons were involved, and I wanted to do it with them. I was 50 when I started. They gave up, but I persevered.

7. I'm a gamer. Have been since Pong came out a bazillion years ago. Our whole family is into gaming, so it's something we can do together. I can't tell you how many friends of my boys have said they wished their parents played too for that same reason. We used to do the PC versions of StarCraft and Warcraft. We followed StarCraft on to Battlenet but didn't like World of Warcraft online. Then our boys got us into League of Legends! LOVE this game. In fact, it inspired one of my book series, The Billionaires of REKD. It's something we can play as a family in whatever cities we live.

8. I'm in the process of editing a fantasy duology which is different from my other books. It's one I began many years ago and stars my grandkids in Hawaii. In fact, part of it is set there. It's been a lot of fun but also the hardest thing I've done to date. I hope to publish those two books in 2021.

9. I'm also writing the first in a cozy mystery series. It's set in a little village in northern Washington, near the Candian border. The land is owned by the Savage family, and they inherited a castle which had been taken apart and moved from Ireland. They didn't realize a ghost had come with it. The first book will end my Safe Harbors series, but will also set up a couple of more.

10. As you can tell, I love having characters cross paths and series. You never know who might show up in a book.

Thursday, December 10, 2020

Christmas Countdown Bllitz: ROPING CHRISTMAS by Shanna Hatfield

USA Today bestselling author Shanna Hatfield is a farm girl who loves to write. Her sweet historical and contemporary romances are filled with sarcasm, humor, hope, and hunky heroes.


When Shanna isn't dreaming up unforgettable characters, twisting plots, or covertly seeking dark, decadent chocolate, she hangs out with her beloved husband, Captain Cavedweller.

A focused cowboy, a distracted executive, and a hilarious quest make for an unforgettable holiday . . .

Wyatt Nash is a professional tie-down roper, a good ranch hand, and not too shabby when it comes to attracting women. But according to his five-year-old niece, he needs to work on both his roping skills and his dating game. His sister thinks he needs to settle down. And don’t get him started on the advice he gets from well-meaning friends. When his rodeo sponsor, billionaire Jon Sinclair, asks for his assistance in tutoring a clueless city girl about Sinclair Industries, Wyatt doesn’t feel like he can say no. Then he discovers he’ll be teaching none other than the one woman on the planet who wants nothing to do with him.

Ashley Jarrett would do almost anything to turn her small publicity firm into a huge success. When Jon Sinclair expresses interest in working with her, she readily agrees to his crazy idea to have her learn about his company through hands-on projects. Not only is she forced far outside her comfort zone, but the man documenting every bumbling misstep she takes is an infuriating cowboy she’s determined to ignore.

Packed with small-town charm and the wonder of falling in love, Roping Christmas is a sweet holiday romance sure to bring laughter and infuse hearts Christmas cheer.  


Top Ten List:

Top 10 favorite Christmas things: 

1. Old-fashioned bayberry candles (they make me think of my grandma)

2. Spicy Christmas tea

3. The soft glow of Christmas lights

4. Christmas carols (There are so many I love, but I'll Be Home For Christmas and Mary, Did You Know are at the top of the list of favs)

5. Wrapping presents (I LOVE to wrap gifts. It's something I've enjoyed doing since my high school days. One year, I even volunteered to wrap gifts at a department store - the funds people paid for the wrapping service went to a great charity!) 

6. Christmas cards (It's so fun to receive them and send them.)

7. Hallmark movies

8. A Snoopy ornament my brother gave me when I was seven. He'd gone on a trip to Hawaii with friends and came home just in time for Christmas. I'm pretty sure he picked up the ornament at the airport, but it was special to me and I still have it. 

9. Baking! I love baking treats to give away. I usually make dozens of cinnamon rolls to share with neighbors and friends as well as cookies and toffee.

10. The reason for the season. 

Wednesday, December 9, 2020

Christmas Countdown Blitz: SWEET YULETIDE by Melissa McClone

USA Today Bestselling author Melissa McClone has written over forty-five novels. 

With a degree in mechanical engineering from Stanford University, she worked for a major airline where she traveled the globe and met her husband. But analyzing jet engine performance couldn't compete with her love of writing happily ever afters. 

Melissa lives in the Pacific Northwest with her husband, three children, a spoiled Norwegian Elkhound, and cats who think they rule the house. They do! 

One beach cottage, two strangers, and a kiss under the mistletoe that changes everything…

Sheridan DeMarco wants to be anywhere but home for the holidays. She’s happy to spend Christmas house-sitting in South Carolina, far away from her parents’ new blended families. Too bad when she arrives at the charming beach cottage, she isn’t as blissfully alone as she planned.

Michael ""Mikey"" Patterson needs to stay out of sight until his attorney gives him the all clear. He finds the perfect place in a small coastal town, but there’s a problem. Mikey isn’t the only one staying at the beach house, and his surprise roommate pushes all his buttons.

A sprig of mistletoe and one memorable kiss make Sheridan and Mikey forget their plans to stay away from each other. But when family gets in the way, will their happily ever after get tossed out along with the discarded wrapping paper and tinsel? 


Top Ten List :

1. I'm a crazy cat lady.

2. I also love dogs.

3. I was in the Stanford Band and on the field during Stanford-Cal Big Game's "The Play."

4. I am an avid reader and reading a romance made me want to write one.

5. I prefer reading to watching television.

6. I worked as a mechanical engineer for a major airline before quitting to write.

7. Chocolate is my favorite food group.

8. I live in the PNW and much prefer the rain to the heat of Tempe, AZ where I once lived.

9. I'm a huge Star Wars fan.

10. I saw a handsome guy at a meeting and told a coworker I was going to marry him and I did!