Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Great Summer Reads- Queen Immortal

Kaci Morgan is the author of The Queen Immortal Series. She found her passion for writing later in life, but for the last eight years she has worked on honing the craft to the best of her ability by attending local classes, seminars, and reading books about the craft and in the genre. 

As a wife and mother, she feels that writing has helped her to find a sense of purpose, and to understand that hard work and determination are the keys to unlocking our dreams.

Secrets can be agents of destruction, Queen Beza learns after three-hundred years of ruling. Unable to produce an heir, and on the hunt for a sibling who should have never been born, Beza struggles to understand what the Gods and Goddesses have planned for her. Unable to come to terms with past discretions, she pushes away what might be her last chance at love, focusing only on the murder and betrayal going on all around her.

Immortal as Beza might be, she soon finds her life, and queendom crumbling underneath the burden of a brother, so named the lost king, who holds more legitimacy to the throne than she herself. Can she find him before his shadow becomes her devastation?

Top Ten List:

Top 8 favorite things (aside from my family, because of course they are number 1):

1. Writing. This is obvious, but I didn't know that I enjoyed it so much until I was 26. I am so glad I found this passion. It has given me a new purpose to my life. 
2. Chocolate, specifically Guittard chocolate chips straight from the bag.
3. Reading, especially with my children. (I Am Not a Chair by Ross Burach is our current favorite. It makes all of us laugh.)
4. Mowing the lawn. I don't like doing any other yard work, but I get a weird sense of fulfillment from rolling out the mower and cutting the grass.
5. Chocolate milk. Yes, I am addicted to chocolate in any form. I blame this one on my dad. He and I would live on chocolate milk if we could.
6. Horses. I have never owned a horse, and my riding experience is extremely limited, but I have a fascination with the creatures. My husband and I share a dream of one day owning a farm. He can have his cows, goats, and chickens, and I can have my horses.
7. Imagine Dragons (the band). Bleeding Out, Underdog, and I Love You All the Time are three of my very favorites. I might be listening at this very moment

8. Traveling with my husband. My husband works for an amazing company that takes us all over the world. We have been to Cancun, Costa Rica, Maui, South Africa, Budapest, and we will travel to Barcelona in the fall. My husband is an adventurous soul (me: not so much), and traveling with him is never short of exciting. 

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