Saturday, May 29, 2010


Writing the Green Corn segments into Aurora Rescue has become a compulsion. I am spending almost every waking minute not committed to something or somewhere else sitting on my backside with my laptop perched on my knees. My legs get cold (Yes, I know it is late May, but it has been a cold spring.), my feet get numb and I eat without tasting my food, only half-mindful that I need to keep crumbs away from my keyboard. All not good except for the creative surges flowing from my brain to my keyboard.

The more I write the Green Corn story, the more I love it. I loved the longer Green Willow story that will go in Andrea's book, Aurora Remembrance, but this new segment is a golden addition to Rescue. So exciting! It resolves one of the criticisms from some of my readers who wanted more action.

Unfortunately, I am back up to 109,505 words and I have a few hundred words to go to finish Green Corn. Aargh!

I guess I better plan on doing a little cutting, trimming and alteration on the upcoming Kezia dressmaking section (pun intended) to stay under 110,000 words.

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